Name It To Tame It

“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”
- John F. Kennedy
(U.S. President, 1917-1963)

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  1. Next time you feel anxiety building, give the anxious voice in your head a name. As you name your anxiety, remember your anxiety isn’t you. Your anxiety isn’t kind.
  2. Think of a character from film, books, or TV, or of archetypes that embody your anxiety. (e.g. Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter)
  3. Name your anxiety (e.g. Dolores). If you are the creative type, you might want to draw it as a cartoon or pick an image. This visual representation is the face of your unhelpful anxiety and worry.
  4. When your anxiety rears its head, talk to it by saying things like “Dolores, you are so boring. You always say the same thing” or “Dolores, I am not listening today. You are not in charge. Expelliarmus!”
adapted from Lynn Lyons LISCW
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